Al Swearengen” Spinning, Fuzzy, Modded Electric Guitar

This is a modified 70’s Hondo II Les Paul style guitar named “Al Swearengen” (obviously). It screams. And it spins. It has a rotary system that’s built directly into the guitar which allows it to spin in either direction, all the way around. And, it comes with a wireless system to keep you from being strangled by your cord on stage. 

It’s professionally upholstered in long black fur with shorter gray fabric around the controls. It has newer Grover tuners and custom hardware but we kept the original electronics because for some reason, it just sounds amazing. Every pickup setting sounds unique - it’s loud and aggressive when needed, and it’s round and full when played clean. The neck feels really good and the action is perfect, which means low and fast while still being able to get under the strings. 

Bonus - it also comes with a soft case. 



so much fur

360° spin 

clockwise and counter clockwise


bluetooth transmitter and receiver for limitless spinning

URBANETE "Al Swearengen"

F- Spin Series

Introducing the newest branches of production at URBANETE is our F-Series modded guitars. They spin. Sometimes they’re soft. They’re always unique and built with quality.